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Welcome to Fed Up in RI


Thank you for visiting!  While there are many areas of the site still under development, we are excited to share the soft-launch of our new website with you.


If any of you have been following us, you know that we investigate issues and ask the tough questions that others in R.I. don't, which many times sets us apart from the crowd. We believe, that to get the right answers, you must first ask the right questions, because if there ever is to be hope for a turning point in Rhode Island, the truths must surface and that which has been hidden must be revealed.  Therefore, as our stands will show, we are not about the illusions of making a difference, but in actually doing so.


In the short time since forming, we are proud of what we've accomplished, which confirms to us there is a need to continue on with what we've started. And that is now the reason for the long overdue creation of this website, to let you, the public know more about who Fed Up in RI is, what we believe in, and what we have stood for, but more importantly, what we can achieve - with your help.

Our website builds on our recent work, so please take your time to explore, and visit frequently as we evolve in our mission.


Thanks for looking! 

~ Gloria Garvin



Fed Up in RI intends


     ~ To Revive our rightful status as our government’s Creators ~                  ~ To Remove all those that refuse to accept this fact ~                 

~ To Restore our constitutional Republic ~ ©



There came a point in time when the Rhode Island Mafia realized that it didn't need to own politicians and judges anymore, it could just become politicians and judges.


Greed, corruption and cronyism are so pervasive here in Rhode Island that hearing about it doesn't provide shock value anymore for anyone. That's wrong, disgusting, and that's why Rhode Island ranks among the lowest states in all business categories and among the highest in unemployment and taxes in the nation. The cost of doing business in Rhode Island is completely out of control because the Rhode Island Power and Corruption Machine is out of control.


Fed Up in RI has been instrumental in exposing what others will not. We plan on continuing to shine the light on all forms of corruption that we can uncover, because corruption cannot exist in anything except ignorance, apathy and darkness.


Amost one year ago we laid out and began to implement a plan to Revive the People of this State to the fact that the Machine is not in control of anything we don't want it to control. We advocated that those who have given up on participating in the process of government - by not voting - are, at this very point in time, the majority. And if they would only band together, they could and would be able to elect anyone they collectively chose to elect, if they actually registered and voted.  In other words. in just one election cycle, they could destroy the machine and the power it exerts over the State and the good, honest public servants. 


We're proud to say that a great number of the people listened to Fed Up in RI's message and that the REVIVAL has begun. Last Novembers election saw Bob Healey and his 10 year old Cool Moose Party Platform take 22% of the vote for Governor.


The people of Rhode Island are ready to hear this message and the time is  right!  Let's continue what has been started!




Fed Up in RI believes that Rhode Island needs to establish a true second party as the first step in destroying the Machine and removing those which have kept it operating - literally for generations.


For this party to have an effect, it must be created and run with complete and total unity, purpose and loyalty. Its membership must be united.  Its purpose must be clearly spelled out in its platform and it's loyalty must be to the State and Federal Constitutions first, because these documents are what protects us from tyranny. 


Rhode Island politicians have bred a culture of corruption.  First with the Republican controlled legislature, for almost 160 years; and now with the Democratically controlled legislature for the past 80 some years.  They have grown accustomed to doing exactly as they please.  They have established a chain of entitlement where everyone waits their turn for power and takes the crumbs from under the table as they are dispensed. And every once in a while someone must take a hit for the team so that the workings of the Machine can remain in the darkness and out of the light.  Ultimately, the Machine only works for its chosen elite; at the people's expense; and never truly for the good of the State, or its people. 


THAT MUST STOP! And WE have the power to make it stop.  We have the power to take each and every one of them from the Machine and its seats of protection and power. But this will only happen if we wake up, band together and make that happen.


You may think this a monumental task, but its quite simple.  It starts with something or someone to vote for and not against.  Something, or someone, that you whole heartedly believe in.  Then its -  one vote - one hour of your time - every two years. 




All powers were endowed by our creator in us, the People. Thereafter, we the People, created and endowed our governments with power by giving up some of our own to them through contracts, or Constitutions. Consequently, our governments can acquire no additional power without taking it directly from us, either through explicit consent, or implied acquiescence.


We, our parents, and their parents before them, have allowed our governments to encroach on the power that was retained by the People and originally denied to government. This has been accomplished in many ways - through amendment, judicial interpretation, legislative enactment, executive order and treaty.


Given the amount of additional power that succeeding generations  have allowed the governments to exercise over them, do you think it possible for a new generation to come along and demand enforcement of the Constitution's (contract provisions) as they had been originally negotiated and adopted?  We at Fed Up in RI have no doubts that it can!

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